There are so many moments in life when we are dominated by our karmic experiences … but we are too blinds to see the whispered messages … from the Universe … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I try to understand the world … analyzing and defining all from the scene of my own life.

I’ve also read a lot of books … but in the end i’ve just stopped doing that.

I’ve realized the real answers i was looking for … i will not find into that direction.

Most probably … reality … my own reality … was the key ….

But this reality was always … difficult.

Later on i’ve understood that it was not difficult … but … karmic.

And i had so, so many karmic experiences…

It was like i was into a school where i had lots of tests day by day.

It was all so … so annoying.



I even started to hate the word karmic … not understanding why the hell i have to live such experiences.

But you see … not even for a second i could not make the connection between my desire of understanding the world i was living in … and my karmic experiences.

It was all a way of teaching me … the secrets about the illusion of the self … and i could not see that.

Time was passing and i’ve started to become dominated by the fear of having those experiences … but … still … i could not see deeper.

This karmic domination was so, so powerful … that i was actually too blind …. to see its messages.

I’ve started to be more annoyed than ever.

I felt ruined emotionally … and just hated my own life …

Until one day … when i finally understood i am actually in a prison of perceptions and all those events were taking place just for my spiritual evolution.

The meaning … was not to ruin my life … making me feel dominated by lots of negative emotions …. but … to reveal me the secrets of the illusion of the self.

And i just smiled … realizing that all i have to do is just to chance my perceptions.

Nothing more … nothing less …




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